Persicaria polymorpha - WHITE FLEECE FLOWER
Vigorous, trouble free perennial from China and Japan. Well-behaved, not-seeding, non-invasive, long-lived plant. True show-stopper.
Usually grows to 5' of height x 4-5' of width (in less fertile soil can be 3-4' tall, in good conditions up to 6' tall).
Vase-shaped clumps with quite large leaves and huge plumes of white flowers in July-August (start blooming earlier in the south).
Full sun to half shade, average soil, loam, common garden soil. Medium to medium-moist.
Established plants are fairly drought tolerant. Tolerates heat and humidity.
Hardy in zones 4 to 9.
Deer and rabbits avoid it. Plants are supposed to be back walnut tolerant, but there is little info about that. Native to the mountain slopes in Himalayan China and to Japan.
For the background of a flower bed, or as as solitaire plant. Can be combined with many common perennials, preferably with the bigger ones like Aster, Anemone hupehensis, Echinacea, Eupatorium, Helianthus, Heliopsis, Hemerocallis, Lilium, tall Phlox, Physostegia, Sanguisorba, Veronicastrum, Vernonia, etc. and taller grasses like Panicum or Pennisetum.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : Todd Bolland

Persicaria polymorpha - WHITE FLEECE FLOWER
Vigorous, trouble free perennial from China and Japan. Well-behaved, not-seeding, non-invasive, long-lived plant. True show-stopper.
Usually grows to 5' of height x 4-5' of width (in less fertile soil can be 3-4' tall, in good conditions up to 6' tall).
Vase-shaped clumps with quite large leaves and huge plumes of white flowers in July-August (start blooming earlier in the south).
Full sun to half shade, average soil, loam, common garden soil. Medium to medium-moist.
Established plants are fairly drought tolerant. Tolerates heat and humidity.
Hardy in zones 4 to 9.
Deer and rabbits avoid it. Plants are supposed to be back walnut tolerant, but there is little info about that. Native to the mountain slopes in Himalayan China and to Japan.
For the background of a flower bed, or as as solitaire plant. Can be combined with many common perennials, preferably with the bigger ones like Aster, Anemone hupehensis, Echinacea, Eupatorium, Helianthus, Heliopsis, Hemerocallis, Lilium, tall Phlox, Physostegia, Sanguisorba, Veronicastrum, Vernonia, etc. and taller grasses like Panicum or Pennisetum.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : Todd Bolland