Aster cordifolius 'Avondale' (Symphyotrichum) - BLUE WOOD ASTER 'AVONDALE'
Very late-blooming perennial with clouds of small pale blue flowers. Tough, adaptable and dry shade tolerant.
This cultivar is propagated from cuttings, which means all the plants are clonal with uniform look.
Upright plant with heart-shaped basal leaves. Blooms as the leaves of some trees turn yellow, creating a nice contrast. Each flower is only 1/2" in diameter.
Tolerates black walnuts and nearly full shade. Dead-heading will prevent seedlings.
Important source of pollen and nectar for butterflies, bees, and wasps at a time when few other plants are blooming
Seeds attract small birds such as sparrows and thrushes, and larger birds like the wild turkey and ruffed grouse feed on the foliage
Blooming Time: September - October
Size: 2.5-3' tall x 1.5-2' wide
USDA Zones: 3 to 9
Culture: Best part shade or spot with some sun and shade (3 hours of sun). Tolerates full shade and dry shade! Adaptable to soil - average, well-drained, sandy soil that is not consistently wet.
Moisture Needs: moist to dry, very adaptable
Origin: this cultivar was introduced by North Creek Nursery; A. cordifolius is a native wildflower in the eastern half of the USA and Canada, plus the central US and British Columbia (USDA distribution map), where it can be found growing in light deciduous woods, thickets, on abandoned land, and along woodland edges
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes / yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: yes / yes, valuable source of nectar; host plant for Lepidoptera (butterfly & moth) larva
Attracts Hummingbirds: no
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Plant Combinations: Best for woodland edges, meadows, borders, to naturalize under canopy or at the edge of the woods, butterfly garden, mass planting.
Good companions include Aconitum, Anemone virginiana, Anemone x hupehensis (Japanese Anemone and hybrids), Aster divaricatus, Chrysogonum virginicum, Eupatorium coelestinum, Heliopsis, Helianthus divaricatus, Geranium maculatum, G. macrorrhizum, Gillenia, Heuchera, Hosta (in half shade with average-moist soil), Phlox paniculata, Patrinia scabiosifolia, Rudbeckia triloba, Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm', Solidago caesia, Solidago flexicaulis, Vernonia, and grasses like Hakonechloa or Carex and smaller shrubs (Hydrangea, Photergilla etc).
Picture Copyright: US Perennials nursery
Aster cordifolius 'Avondale' (Symphyotrichum) - BLUE WOOD ASTER 'AVONDALE'
Very late-blooming perennial with clouds of small pale blue flowers. Tough, adaptable and dry shade tolerant.
This cultivar is propagated from cuttings, which means all the plants are clonal with uniform look.
Upright plant with heart-shaped basal leaves. Blooms as the leaves of some trees turn yellow, creating a nice contrast. Each flower is only 1/2" in diameter.
Tolerates black walnuts and nearly full shade. Dead-heading will prevent seedlings.
Important source of pollen and nectar for butterflies, bees, and wasps at a time when few other plants are blooming
Seeds attract small birds such as sparrows and thrushes, and larger birds like the wild turkey and ruffed grouse feed on the foliage
Blooming Time: September - October
Size: 2.5-3' tall x 1.5-2' wide
USDA Zones: 3 to 9
Culture: Best part shade or spot with some sun and shade (3 hours of sun). Tolerates full shade and dry shade! Adaptable to soil - average, well-drained, sandy soil that is not consistently wet.
Moisture Needs: moist to dry, very adaptable
Origin: this cultivar was introduced by North Creek Nursery; A. cordifolius is a native wildflower in the eastern half of the USA and Canada, plus the central US and British Columbia (USDA distribution map), where it can be found growing in light deciduous woods, thickets, on abandoned land, and along woodland edges
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes / yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: yes / yes, valuable source of nectar; host plant for Lepidoptera (butterfly & moth) larva
Attracts Hummingbirds: no
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Plant Combinations: Best for woodland edges, meadows, borders, to naturalize under canopy or at the edge of the woods, butterfly garden, mass planting.
Good companions include Aconitum, Anemone virginiana, Anemone x hupehensis (Japanese Anemone and hybrids), Aster divaricatus, Chrysogonum virginicum, Eupatorium coelestinum, Heliopsis, Helianthus divaricatus, Geranium maculatum, G. macrorrhizum, Gillenia, Heuchera, Hosta (in half shade with average-moist soil), Phlox paniculata, Patrinia scabiosifolia, Rudbeckia triloba, Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm', Solidago caesia, Solidago flexicaulis, Vernonia, and grasses like Hakonechloa or Carex and smaller shrubs (Hydrangea, Photergilla etc).
Picture Copyright: US Perennials nursery