Sorghastrum nutans 'Indian Steel' - INDIANGRASS 'INDIAN STEEL'
'Indian Steel' is seed strain selection with steel-blue foliage, 5’ tall x 2.5' wide, with feathery spikes of yellow flowers with nice bronze fall color, while the leaves turn yellow. Nice vertical structure, color and fall color makes this all year round interest grass.
Full sun, tolerates all types of soil (incl. clay), that stay medium-moist to dry. Prefers drained soils, tolerates poor, shallow and lean soils. Too much moisture or too fertile soil makes it floppy.
Very drought and heat tolerant, deer and rabbit resistant. Hardy in zones 4 to 9. Species of S. nutans is native grass to nearly all USA, except western states.
No maintenance grass, one of the very showy native grass selections, excellent for natural areas, prairies, and modern landscape designs.
Attracts songbirds and provide shelter for gamefowl.
Picture copyright : Matt Lavin, Commons Wikipedia
(picture shows botanical species of Sorghastrum nutans, cultivar 'Indian Steel' has a bit more silver-gray leaves)
Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot

Sorghastrum nutans 'Indian Steel' - INDIANGRASS 'INDIAN STEEL'
'Indian Steel' is seed strain selection with steel-blue foliage, 5’ tall x 2.5' wide, with feathery spikes of yellow flowers with nice bronze fall color, while the leaves turn yellow. Nice vertical structure, color and fall color makes this all year round interest grass.
Full sun, tolerates all types of soil (incl. clay), that stay medium-moist to dry. Prefers drained soils, tolerates poor, shallow and lean soils. Too much moisture or too fertile soil makes it floppy.
Very drought and heat tolerant, deer and rabbit resistant. Hardy in zones 4 to 9. Species of S. nutans is native grass to nearly all USA, except western states.
No maintenance grass, one of the very showy native grass selections, excellent for natural areas, prairies, and modern landscape designs.
Attracts songbirds and provide shelter for gamefowl.
Picture copyright : Matt Lavin, Commons Wikipedia
(picture shows botanical species of Sorghastrum nutans, cultivar 'Indian Steel' has a bit more silver-gray leaves)
Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot