New Quick view Compare Primula japonica 'Alba' - CANDELABRA PRIMROSE 'ALBA' Late spring candelabra primrose with white flowers with yellow centers. Blooming Time: April/MaySize: up to 24" tall x 12-15" wideUSDA Zones : 4 to 8Culture: Can be planted in half shade, dappled shade or full shade. Tolerant of heat and humidity (these... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Phlox paniculata 'Ultraviolet'- GARDEN PHLOX 'ULTRAVIOLET' (TALL PHLOX) "Improved" version of Phlox paniculata ‘Nicky' - with darker stems and buds, bronzed leaves, more floriferous performance, and better resistance to powdery mildew. Blooming Time: mid to late summer, with some reblooming later onSize: 32-36" tall x... $11.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Hymenocallis occidentalis - SPIDER LILY Exotic native perennial with unusual fragrant flowers in the shape of a spider. Loves moisture, but will grow well in average soil with average moisture. Long-lived bulbosous perennial (bulbs multiply in time). Blooming Time: late summer to early... $11.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Baptisia 'Grape Escape' - FALSE INDIGO 'GRAPE ESCAPE' Baptisia cultivar with long dusky purple flower spikes and an upright wide vase shape. Showy cream keels, deeper red-purple tones to the flowers. Long-lived, floriferous and hardy perennial. Blooming Time: MaySize: 42-48" tall x 22-28" wide USDA... $10.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Aristolochia tomentosa - WOOLY DUTCHMAN'S PIPE Woody, deciduous, clockwise twining vine with large, yellowish-green, heart-shaped leaves and smaller flowers in the shape of a pipe that hide beneath the leaves. Blooming Time: April-May/JuneSize: 20-30' high x 5-10' wideUSDA Zones: 5 to 8Culture:... $11.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Aquilegia flabellata var. pumila 'Alba' - FAN COLUMBINE 'ALBA' (dwarf) Dwarf, early blooming columbine with ivory/white flowers and neat gray foliage. Grows into small mounds. Blooming Time: April/MaySize: usually about 10" all and wideUSDA Zones: 3 to 8/9Culture: Partial sun, partial shade, light shade, dappled sun... $7.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Agastache nepetoides - YELLOW GIANT HYSSOP Robust, structural, native perennial and superior pollinator plant with a very long blooming time. Adaptable savannah plant that will struggle in very dry soil or too much shade. Unique candlestick structure for the middle or background of the flower bed... $7.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sold out Quick view Compare Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise' - GARDEN PHLOX 'BLUE PARADISE' Cultivar with lavender-purplish flowers, that look more blue when the sun is very low (sunrise, sunset). Moderately fragrant flowers. Blooming Time: July to August/SeptemberSize: usually 3’ tall x 1.5-2’ wide, spacing 1.5’USDA Zones: 4... $7.99 Add to Wishlist Out of stock
Quick view Compare Iris sibirica 'Jewelled Crown' - SIBERIAN IRIS 'JEWELLED CROWN' Siberian iris with eye-catching, very contrasting color patterns (rich wine purple + lighter blue-purple + veining). Tolerant to black walnuts, deer and rabbit resistant, healthy foliage in the summer. Siberian Irises bloom after Tall Bearded Irises and... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Iris sibirica 'Butter and Sugar' - SIBERIAN IRIS 'BUTTER AND SUGAR' Bicolor creamy-yellow and butter yellow flowers. Tolerant to black walnuts, deer and rabbit resistant, healthy foliage in the summer. Siberian Irises bloom after Tall Bearded Irises and before Japanese Irises. Blooming Time: early summer bloomer (late... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Iris sibirica 'Purring Tiger' - SIBERIAN IRIS 'PURRING TIGER' Compact cultivar with dusty lavender and golden yellow petals with strong purple veining. Tolerant to black walnuts, deer and rabbit resistant, healthy foliage in the summer. Siberian Irises bloom after Tall Bearded Irises and before Japanese Irises... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Dicentra spectabilis 'Ruby Gold' (Lamprocapnos) - ASIAN BLEEDING HEART 'RUBY GOLD' Gold foliage tall Bleeding Heart with true red flowers. Vigorous cultivar, strong upright growth, more flowers and longer flowering season! Deer and rabbits avoid it. Dies back after finishing flowering (comes back the following spring) Excellent Hosta... $12.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Mukgenia NOVA® ‘Flame’ - MUKGENIA NOVA®'FLAME' Unusual mounding perennial with ornamental leathery leaves with jagged margins and good fall color. PInk-red flowers in the first half of the season. The foliage last longer than on the parent plant (Mukdenia). Blooming Time: spring to late spring (April... $14.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Baptisia australis 'Pixie Periwinkle' - FALSE INDIGO 'PIXIE PERIWINKLE' (dwarf&good performance) Dward Baptisia with light periwinkle blue flowers, gray-green leaves. Compact round shape and great performance makes it suitable for smaller gardens! Blooming Time: May/JuneSize: 24-28" tall x 24" wideUSDA Zones: 4 to 8Culture: full sun, half shade... $10.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Lysimachia alfredii 'Night Light' - MONEYWORT 'NIGHT LIGHT' Small filler for half shade or shade garden with very long flowering season, groundcovering growth and interesting leaf pattern. Forms mounds. Blooming Time: spring to fall with the peak in early/mid summerSize: 12" tall and 12-14" wide clumpsUSDA... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Iris tectorum - ROOF IRIS (WALL IRIS) Adaptable medium-sized iris, that holds fairly healthy foliage throughout the whole season. 6" large lilac-blue flowers with darker veins, fan-like arranged wider leaves. Dense groundcovering clumps. Very adaptable to light condition (from full sun to... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Phlox paniculata 'Backlight' - GARDEN PHLOX 'BACKLIGHT' (TALL PHLOX) "Improved" version of Phlox paniculata ‘David'. Good resistance to powdery mildew. Pure white flowers bloom in midsummer atop 3′ tall stems. Tall phloxes flower for a long period of time, but deadheading or performing a "Chelsey chop" will... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Gelsemium sempervirens 'Margarita' - CAROLINA JESSAMINE 'MARGARITA' Zone 6 hardy native climber, with larger trumpet-shaped, slightly fragrant yellow flowers in late spring and semi-evergreen to evergreen leaves. Needs support of a trellise, arbor or fence. Can be used as a groundcover. Deer resistant. Blooming Time:... $11.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart