New Quick view Compare Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Purple' - BEARD-LIP BEARTONGUE 'TWIZZLE PURPLE' Narrow, upright plant with evergreen basal leaves. Wonderful, transparent, vertical accent for sunny and dry gardens. Shorter-lived perennial - the clumps have to be divided to renew the vigor of the plant, or can be grown from seeds. 'Twizzle Purple' is... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Sold out Quick view Compare COMING SOON - Salvia darcyii 'Presidio' - GALEANA RED SAGE 'PRESIDIO' Vigorous and long blooming sage. Reddish flowers, a bit irregular shrubby growth. Attracts hummingbirds, some bees and some butterflies. Hardy to zone 7, can be succesfully overwintered overwintered in cool light garage, or simply grown as annual in... $11.99 Add to Wishlist Out of stock
New Quick view Compare Salvia x greggii 'Plum Wine' - AUTUMN SAGE 'PLUM WINE' Aromatic sage featuring plum pink flowers with a small white eye. Blooming Time: depending on your zone - in warmer zones starts in early/mid spring, continues throughout the summer till frost (or fall)Size: 2.5-3' tall and wide USDA Zones:... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Salvia x greggii 'Peach Cobbler' - AUTUMN SAGE 'PEACH COBBLER' Aromatic sage featuring peachy-pink flowers with darker calyxes. Attracts hummingbirds and other pollinators. Great for edges in sunny beds, or containers or larger pots. Blooming Time: depending on your zone - in warmer zones starts in early/mid spring,... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Sold out Quick view Compare COMING SOON - Salvia x guaranitica hybrid 'Jean's Jewel' - SAGE 'JEAN'S JEWEL' Taller and more narrow cultivar (less spreading). 11' long spikes with electric violet flowers. Lighter green, pungent-aromatic foliage. Blooming Time: mid to late June (depending on your zone) till frost Size: 5' tall x 2.5-3' wide, spreads less than... $11.99 Add to Wishlist Out of stock
New Quick view Compare Salvia x greggii 'Furman's Red' - AUTUMN SAGE 'FURMAN'S RED' Sage with aromatic leaves, deep redflowers and slightly better hardiness (up to zone 6 with some wintr protection). Heat, humidity and drought tolerant. Attracts hummingbirds, some bees and some butterflies. In cooler zones can be dug out and... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Salvia farinacea 'Victory Blue' - MEALY SAGE 'VICTORY BLUE' Easy to grow with a very long flowering season. Deep blue flowers, fresh green leaves with a hint of gray. In cooler zones often grown as an annual. Drought, heat and humidity tolerant and pollinator friendly! Often survives in zone 6. Blooming Time:... $7.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Salvia x greggii 'Diane' - AUTUMN SAGE 'DIANE' Shorter and more compact cultivar with more regular mounds. Small reddish-purple flowers. Attracts hummingbirds and some bees. Low maintenance plant - cut back 1/2 to 2/3 in winter or pre-spring. Blooming Time: depending on your zone - in warmer zones... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Salvia rosmarinus 'Arp' - Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp' - ROSEMARY 'ARP' (more hardy variety) Ornamental and edible with upright growth and more gray leaves than typical rosemary. But what's most exciting, is that it's very hardy and reportedly survived zone 6 winters with protection! Drought, heat and humidity tolerant, and pollinator friendly... $8.49 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Primula elatior (wild form) - OXLIP Small and modest woodland edge perennial. Large pale yellow flowers in clusters. Goes well with spring bulbs and native ephemerals. Old-fashioned, favorite plant in Europe, awarded by Award of Garden Merit by RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) in Britain... $8.49 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Primula japonica 'Alba' - CANDELABRA PRIMROSE 'ALBA' Late spring candelabra primrose with white flowers with yellow centers. Blooming Time: April/MaySize: up to 24" tall x 12-15" wideUSDA Zones : 4 to 8Culture: Can be planted in half shade, dappled shade or full shade. Tolerant of heat and humidity (these... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Phlox paniculata 'Ultraviolet'- GARDEN PHLOX 'ULTRAVIOLET' (TALL PHLOX) "Improved" version of Phlox paniculata ‘Nicky' - with darker stems and buds, bronzed leaves, more floriferous performance, and better resistance to powdery mildew. Blooming Time: mid to late summer, with some reblooming later onSize: 32-36" tall x... $11.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Penstemon ovatus - BROAD-LEAF BEARDTONGUE (PRAIRIE B.) Pacific Nortwest species with kobalt blue flowers. Surprisingly tolerant to heat and humidity of the southeast. Partial sun/partial shade and somewhat drained soils seem to be the best spots for this beardtongue. Blooming Time: May/June... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Penstemon barbatus 'Twizzle Blue' - BEARD-LIP BEARTONGUE 'TWIZZLE BLUE' Narrow upright plant with evergreen basal leaves. Wonderful transparent vertical accent for sunny and dry garden. Shorter-lived perennial - the clumps has to be divided and renew the vigor, or can be grown from seeds. Blooming Time: May/June to June/July... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Sold out Quick view Compare Panicum virgatum 'Totem Pole' - SWITCH GRASS 'TOTEM POLE' Switchgrass with very narrow and upright shape - suitable even for smaller gardens. Steel blue foliage, powdery blue stems, golden seed panicles in early fall. Very adaptable - can handle heat, humidity, black walnut and is drought tolerant. Stays... $11.99 Add to Wishlist Out of stock
New Quick view Compare Nepeta x faasenii 'Pink Pixie' - CATMINT 'PINK PIXIE' Smaller cultivar of Catmint with soft pink flowers above graysih foliage. Forms low, compact and slightly wide clumps. Quickly reblooms when cut back after first flush of flowers. Drought tolerant once established. Blooming Time: May - June (with some... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Quick view Compare Limonium gmelinii ssp. hungaricum - HUNGARIAN STATICE Clouds of smoky-blue tiny flowers. Pollinator friendly, great in dried flower arrangements, but also as fresh cut flower. Evergreen rosettes, good in coastal areas for its good salt tolerance. Blooming Time: July-AugustSize: 2-3' tall and wide, basal... $8.49 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Sold out Quick view Compare Kniphofia 'Poco Red' - DWARF RED HOT POKER 'POCO RED' Coral-red flowers on short, narrow grassy leaves and compact plants = suitable for smaller gardens, smaller beds or containers. Flowers from summer till fall - living hummingbird feeder. Delicate and exotic look. In zone 6 some drainage (sand, gravel... $10.99 Add to Wishlist Out of stock