Quick view Compare Mimulus ringens - MONKEY FLOWER Moisture loving native perennial with cute lilac-blue flowers in the summer. Ideal plant for rain garden, moist spots, banks of your pond, up to a shallow standing water or can be tucked in flower bed with medium-average moisture, especially on heavy... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Rudbeckia laciniata 'Autumn Sun' - CUT-LEAF CONEFLOWER 'AUTUMN SUN' ('HERBSTSONNE') Underused, tough and long-lived perennial. Flowers in the summer for 8+ weeks! Not fuzzy about heat, humidity and some droughts too. Bold-structured perennial with larger shiny leaves. Large daisy-like flowers (3-4" across), drooping yellow rays and... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Little Henry' - SWEET CONEFLOWER 'LITTLE HENRY' (shorter&compact) Deserves to be used a lot more - in public spaces and private gardens! Tough, drought, heat and humidity resistant. Shorter than 'Henry Eilers', so more suitable for smaller gardens. Dense upright clumps that don't flop. Softer yellow 2” wide... $12.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Aster ericoides 'Bridal Veil' (Symphyotrichum) - HEATH ASTER 'BRIDAL VEIL' A unique formn of Heath Aster with cascading, very densely branched stems completely covered in small, bridal white flowers late in the season. Forms wide, nearly groundcovering mounds. Pollinator very friendly and black walnut tolerant. Blooming Time:... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Aster macrophyllus (Eurybia macrophylla) - BIG-LEAF ASTER Ground covering aster with large basal leaves. Whitish flowers in the fall, spreads some into 2-3' wide clumps. Very adaptable to various soils (incl. clay or poor soils), excellent for difficult to identify sun/shade transition areas. Black walnut... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Solidago petiolaris - DOWNY RAGGED GOLDENROD A bit earlier blooming goldenrod for partial shade, woodland edges and difficult to predict sun-shade transitioning areas. Suitable for drained or drier soil. Heat, humidity, black walnut and drought tolerant. Pollinator magnet as any other goldenrod... $7.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Salvia amplexicaulis - STEM CLASPING VIOLET SAGE This Salvia reminds of robust Meadow Sage. Long spikes of mauve/purple flowers, dark maroon and heavily ribbed calyxes. Pollinator very friendly. Blooming time : late spring/early summerSize: 24-30” tall and wideUSDA Zones: 4/5 to 8Culture:... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Yucca flaccida - FLACID-LEAF YUCCA (ADAM'S NEEDLE) Bigger architectural native perennial with gray-green sword like leaves. Distinguishing feature are the leaves that bend downward - the outer leaves are recurved, or bending back on itself, leading to a floppy appearance. Blooming Time: white flowers... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Solidago uliginosa - BOG GOLDENROD Upright and narrow goldenrod, reddish stems, narrow spikes of yellow flowers. Late bloomer, tolerant to black walnuts. Loves moisture, but will grow in soils with average moisture. Blooming Time: August-SeptemberSize: usually about 4' tall and 2'... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Aquilegia canadensis 'Corbett' - WILD COLUMBINE 'CORBETT (dwarf & pale yellow) Shorter selection of native columbine. Pale yellow flowers in mid spring. Not long-lived plants, but persist by selfseeding. Blooming Time: May-JuneSize: 1-1.5’ high x 0.75’ wideUSDA Zones: 3 to 8Culture: Partial shade, shade, dappled sun to... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sold out Quick view Compare Alchemilla saxatilis - DWARF LADY'S MANTLE Smaller and compact lady's mantle with shiny leaves and chartreuse flowers. Small, slowly spreading groundcover for rock gardens and edges. Possibly better in cooler areas. Blooming Time: June/JulySize: 4-6" tall x 12" wide, slowly spreads wideUSDA... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Out of stock
Quick view Compare Molinia caerulea 'Heidebraut' - MOOR GRASS 'HEIDEBRAUT' Cool season grass, suitable only for cooler areas, northern and northeastern states. Avoid hot and dry climate. Golden-yellow flowering stems (with no nodes), purple-black flowers. great muted yellow fall color. 'Heidebraut' Moor Grass gained 3 out of 4... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Panicum virgatum 'Prairie Dog - SWITCH GRASS 'PRAIRIE DOG' (shorter, upright & gray) Strictly upright and vertical, with nice gray-silver color and good height under 4', rosy-colored flowers. Adaptable and easy. Tolerant to black walnut, heat and humidity. Size : 3-4' tall x 2-3' wide clumps Blooming time : July, August,... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Panicum x 'Cape Breeze' - DWARF SWITCH GRASS 'CAPE BREEZE' (short & tidy) Short, dense, tidy cultivar. Stays upright and maintains it's tidy statue. Tough and adaptable with inherited tolerance to sea salt (possibly Panicum amarum genes). Starts blooming and stays green later (till Halloween) than other Switchgrass. Flowers... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Sedum telephium 'Autumn Joy' ('Herbstfreude') - TALL STONECROP 'AUTUMN JOY' Long-time favorite and honestly one of the most tough and reliable tall stonecrops! Deep rose flowers fade to light bronze, light grayish-green succulent leaves. It does great on European and American continent. Twice granted by The Award of Garden... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Veronica austriaca ssp. teucrium 'Crater Lake Blue' - AUSTRIAN SPEEDWELL 'CRATER LAKE BLUE' Mounds of smaller leaves, intense gentian blue flowers in early summer. For average, somewhat drained soils. Pollinator friendly and black walnut tolerant. Blooming time : May/JuneSize: 12-15" tall x 8-12" wide clumpsUSDA Zones: 4 to 8Culture: Sun,... $9.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Senna marilandica - MARYLAND SENNA "Senna marilandica is virtually indistinguishable from its relative, Wild Senna (Senna herbecarpa) until the 2 species have ripe seeds. The Wild Senna will readily open its pod and the seeds will fall out, whereas the Maryland Senna seed pods will stay... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Compare Physostegia virginiana - OBEDIENT PLANT (spreading) Spreading natural form that requires some space, but is also easy to reduce, if needed. Excellent late support for variety of pollinators and even hummingbirds. Better behaved in heavier soils. Blooming Time: early August to SeptemberSize: 4' tall x 3'... $8.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart